23 Mar 2007

Some Newcastle Events Upcoming

Two nights well worth going to are coming up in the next month or so, first up is Keiran Hebden and Steve Reid, with Benga and Dave Guy in support at the Cluny on Monday (26th) which is courtesy of the guys at No-Fi.
The second of these big nights in my diary comes with Heavyweight @ Stereo, Thurs 12th April , courtesy of Dynamix should be a great night with plenty of sub bass. The DJ's for the night are Jack Sparrow, Forensix(mcr), Bigones, and of course Dynamix. With the soundsystem courtesy of Pangaea Soundsystem. This one is free, so there is little to no excuse for not going! In the meantime big up to Dynamix for continuing to put on Dubstep nights on in Newcastle.
Two posts in one day, what next....the saga continues, I'm thinking community radio next, maybe?

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