3 Sept 2006

The Irony Isn't Lost

What does it mean when Banksy is news worthy on Radio 2? I mean Radio 1 I could understand, but Radio 2, so yes I was flicking through stations on my phone on a metro ride home and came across radio 2 and I'm not an avid listener though I do know who they cater for and Banksy doesn't strike me as someone Radio 2's target audience would care for. I'm sure some avid fans of Banksy thanks to his exposure via the broadsheets may listen, but this seems slightly off kilter.
What was the story you may wonder, well it was that he who shall be called Banksy doctored 500 copies of the Paris Hilton album cover prior to them appearing in stores. Nice guerilla attack, I will admit she's a good target, though part of me wonders if this isn't the sort of PR that Paris's no doubt huge PR army have been dreaming about, an infamous artist doctoring you, its publicity she didn't need, hell I had forgot she was launching a sonic attack on us, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. I have a feeling whether he intended to or not Banksy has done his victim a favour on this one.
Yes I do realise I'm acting as a PR for both of them with this, the irony isn't lost.

For More coverage see the linked to article in the heading or here

1 comment:

Sarah Chapman said...

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