6 Aug 2006

Updates and meandering self indulgent blogging

Ok so I return briefly, just to keep things updated, September 16th sees Utopia relaunch with a few tit bits hopefully from me...including Forward Motion and hopefully a one hour narrative in music, more on that when I have it done. Also the dubstep documentary should be stepping up a gear in the next few weeks, if you want to suggest voices/opinions you want to hear let me know, I'm trying to escape the normal documentary route so abstract thoughts are welcome. I'm thinking alot about narratives recentally, I'm thinking of weaving narratives on this documentary.
So why so quiet, I know this blog has and for the near future has never been on a par with the real blogs that I feed google reader with daily but I feel that this absensce has been extreme, even more extreme when I think that even the dubstep forum hasn't been accessed for far too long either. It feels like I've been withdrawn from music, and I'm not sure how it happened bar the fact that working in a jewellers has became my exsistence something I need to escape from quite quickly. If only to save my chances of completing a masters or even entering a world outside retail. I'll fill this with links when I have time. Relationships with work colleagues are frowned upon apparantly, I usually find them frought with very little common ground but your status quo, and well everyone has differing asspirations and goals. Though I have to comment that although it is all to obvious to what relationships they're refering, surely it just says something about the world we live in that they phrase it like this, ensuating as it does if you take it too literally that all around you should remain alien for fear of the firing. Although the banning of relationships in workplaces is surely a repressive line, I mean even if it's a ban against those between various levels or roles, surely work is the one place that relationships are likely to grow...I'm deeply romantic, in my opinion, as those who've read my ramblings long ago will know but meeting in work is more likely than say developing a close meaningful relationship on the public transport system, which is more than likely taking you too and from work. Maybe I should join a knitting club.
If you've stayed with this throughout well done, I expect you to buy my novel should I ever write or publish such a thing, judging from this I think it unlikely.

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