7 Dec 2008

beats to warm you in the freezer

So it is officially weather to wear scarves, or better still to sit inside and listen to beats, if you can't be bothered getting out on your bike or something.
Anyway here is a tip off this weeks show (Which was meant to be last weeks show, until issues arose) features beats by Mike Slott, L Vis 1990, Rustie, Joker, Bossman, Lewi White, Diplo, and many more. So go ahead and check it out on Tuesday night, 10 pm til Midnight on FuturebeatRadio.
Anyway I'm going to go back to listening to the latest album on Skull Disco, Soundboy's Gravestone gets Desecrated by Vandals, which I have to say is immense and deep, just as you'd expect it. I'm sure next weeks show will include a cut from it.

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