29 Sept 2007

The Weapon of Choice

A while back now Forward Motion was dominated by the sounds of anticon, and while I won't go out and dismiss Anticon forever, I have to say that I haven't been too interested in what Anticon et al have been up to. Though as always there is an exception to the rule, and in this case the exception is Sixtoo.
When I found out that Sixtoo had a new album out I decided I would check it out, to be honest I don't think I ever thought that it was a risk, because while others have disappointed every so often Sixtoo's releases have always hit the spot, and Jackals and Vipers in Envy of Man is no different. Well actually it is different, the dark brooding melodies are present, and it certainly sounds like Sixtoo, however it just seems ten times heavier than previous efforts, maybe not the proto dubstep of Fear of Flying dub. This heaviness would seem to be in some way related to the prominence of bass at the moment, not that I'll complain about bass' prominence. Anyway back to the point, this album is great, go out and buy it. I'll continue looking forward to new Sixtoo albums. (Whilst researching I noticed that Dan and Alex over at Dot:Alt have analysed the place of anticon in the current soundscape.)
Meanwhile these last two weeks have taken it out of me, mainly for a ridiculous commute that was improved only by Radio 4 (Today, Just A Minute, and PM, to name but a few)and several great mixes on my mobile phone. So thanks to the Faggatronix Push soundsystem promo mix, Prancehall's Anger is a Gift and that old DJ /Rupture Hamburg Radio Mix, which is still amazing.
Soon I'll be also adding this Six Vicious Mix to my phones arsenal.

I did notice an interesting phenomenon on my journeys to Teeside, that of the bastardised bike. Several kids were seen riding around on strangely modified bikes, including an urban penny farthing of sorts, suspension forks and mountain bike front wheel, bmx frame (I think) and stunt pegs and bmx wheel...strange combination to see, if you ask me. Some odd chopper style little girls bikes were also seen.

1 comment:

Alex Bok Bok said...

oi them bikes sound hot
please take photos if you see any more!!

omg I'm so surprised to see that Six Vicious mix is full of grime crunk and french electro house wtfffff since when Sixtoo? I got on the d/l hoping it would be jam packed with old kraut slow-burners and dusty lo fi, but then upon coming across the tracklist promptly drew for the cancel button