10 Jul 2007

Mixes for your phones

So with a weekend that didn't present much in the way of going out, I decided to spend some time listening to mixes and seeing what is out there, and of course listening again to Mary Anne Hobbs.
So what were these mixes that caught my ear, and had my headphones blazing on my phone, who needs an iPod, eh?

Well up first are Faggatronix, with a mix that quite frankly made me want to be in a club so I could hear and feel the beats. So go check out the mix they did for Zombie Disco Squad. The mix is here on the ever reliable Lower End Spasm. Also to be honest you could do far worse than subscribe to their podcasts, for plenty of ear candy.

Talking of Zombie Disco Squad I think checking out there mix for Discobelle is well worthwhile, so go on it's here, enjoy.

And finally the local boy Dynamix has a new mix out there, with plenty of unreleased dubs, and it gives you a good idea what to expect when you head down to Heavyweight. The next Heavyweight goes down on 10th August at the Red Rooms, and features not only Dynamix, but Funk Ethics and ED:IT.

Also events to put in your diary, or organizer, or hell even your myspace calendar, No Name is back at the Tyne pub, with the best two free nights you could wish for. Check out No Fi for full details, but July 28th sees:
Bass Clef,
Dave Guy,
Nik Barrera.

While August 25th sees a line up I can't wait to witness, namely:
Retina Glitch,
Road to Rimini,
Nik Barrera.

Both promise to be great nights, which I will not miss for love nor money.

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