27 Nov 2005

The Need For More

To many who listen to the show it must appear that my entire musical background is in leftfield beats and dance culture, and now more than ever it feels that's where my record collection is heading. It's only when I go to gigs like Squarepusher on Thursday that I remember where it is that I came from, I still find it hard to believe that I started off listening to metal and rock, with a distinct disliking for what I associated with dance music. It's only really the sight of the same people I used to drink with when I was 16 and 17, and listening to Nu-Metal, that remind me of this, but while they still seem to like all those bands still, I find myself unable to stand that music any longer, which leaves me with a feeling that I've become narrow minded in my musical taste, which as Martin BlackDown indicates is not a particularly positive attribute of anyone involved the production and presentation of the medium. Luckily I do have a record collection that reminds me that there is more out there than just beats, this is when I listen to the few rock records I can still stand, and of course for the post rock and any thing else thats within my record collection.
I guess that some of my record collection will never be played on air for my fear that I could drift too far away from the sound I feel I want the show to concentrate upon, though you never know when some Godspeed or Mogwai may be dropped.

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