On this weeks show I have a special guest mix from Laura O'Shea, who I have to say is a quite fine DJ. Check out her myspace profile, complete with one of her productions under the Cosmic G monicker, for more information. Just to give you an idea of her skills she recently one the Open Decks DJ comp up here in Revolution, Newcastle. Oh and she is also the lady behind the Forward Motion idents. Anyway I hope you all enjoy the mix.
If you hadn't already guessed I'm trying to sort out the direction Forward Motion is going. I began writing an essay which actually hit home, even if I wasn't the intended audience, but it did make me realise that some changes were in order. Some of these changes will be slower to filter down, but I'm hoping to get my stuff together and so the show can become something distinct and so can this blog too. Be patient.
I'll also have news of a one off Forward Motion show.